Friday, April 14, 2006

Website problems fixed and new Mp3s up

Well my hate/hate relationship with internet FTP software has had a bad week... the new website was down for a few days after I crashed the thing, but with much thanks to Robert we are back up and running with an additional page added that groups together the Mp3s of past shows.

Also added there are last week's show, plus the missing show 12 for which many thanks Lukas for helping us out by providing a recording. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to think of all the great support we are getting. (either that or this single malt is hitting the right spots...!)

So we now have shows 11 through to 14 available for download. what's more I think I now understand the whole thing better after much patient tuition from Robert and we shouldn't have problems on the same scale again.

Now its up and running again I can face Al on Sunday evening...!

Thanks for listening


Anonymous said...

Pity there are only about 10 seconds of your latest programme available in the archive...

Richard Pinnell said...

Oops, resolving that now, apologies.
Out of interest are all of the anonymous posts the same person or do we officially now have nameless lurkers?! :)

Richard Pinnell said...


Have to admit to not understanding why this is, but if you try and play the show 14 file straight from the stream you indeed only get ten seconds, but if you right-click on it and save it to your machine you get the entire programme.
I will consult my technical oracle, but if you want the entire programme I think thats how you'll have to do it for now.

Those first ten seconds are pretty good though don't you think? :)

Anonymous said...

I think there's more than one.