Sunday, January 21, 2007

Playlist 37, 21 January 2007

artist: Chris Watson / BJ Nilson
title: No Mans Land (excerpt)
cd: Storm
label: Touch
info: label watson

artist: Toshiya Tsunoda
title: Arrival, Kisarazu Bay, 11th Dec 2004
cd: Ridge of Undulation
label: Håpna
info: label

artist: Jeph Jerman
title: Bees (excerpt)
cd: More Sound
label: Self released

artist: Lee Patterson
title: Egg Fry 2
cd: Unreleased
label: Unreleased
info: artist tour dates

artist: Ami Yoshida
cd: in drawing
label: Cherry Music
info: label artist

artist: Jeph Jerman
title: Stones, Brush, Wood, Wind etc at Red Tank Draw, Arizona
cd: Derelict 2
label: Self released
info:artist Richard's thoughts on Jerman

artist: Quiet American
title: Roadside Communal Water Pump,Kuhlna, Bangladesh
Pilgrims at a well outside Muang Sing, Laos during a full moon celebration
Village water Pump, Shan State village outside Kalaw, Burma

cd: Plumbing and Irrigation of South Asia
label: and/OAR
info:artist label

artist: Akio Suzuki / Eric La Casa
title: Stones, Oto-Date 2004, Paris
cd: Resonances Ussip Zadkine Catalogue CD
label: Paris museé
info: artist, in japanese

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