Sunday, November 05, 2006

Website Overhauled

Well just when you were beginning to wonder if the new Wembley Stadium would open before our website was brought up to date I've managed to find the time to give it a good overhaul.

The archive has been separated into three sections, one containing our first series of shows, another for the current run and a new Exclusives section that currently remains empty but will hopefully house Mp3's of some of the exclusives we play on audition.

Series one remains incomplete. We do not have a recording of Show 23, if anyone out there has a copy we would be very pleased to hear from you. Shows one to nine are still not there though I do have recordings. Uploading them would be a very long and tiresome job that I can't bring myself to undertake at this late stage unless you all get together and lobby us incessantly :)

The Mp3's are now up to date then. Thanks for listening


Anonymous said...

Thanks Richard!

Anonymous said...

When will the show on 5/11 be uploaded onto the site?

Richard Pinnell said...

jeez, give us a chance!

We had yet another technical failure tonight, so its quite possible it won't be there for a week or so. Sorry about that, things out of our control.